What Does Hand Orientation Mean in Golf?

When a golfer points their hands forward, we say they are right-handed, and when they point their hands backward, we call them left-handed.

The hand orientation can affect a golfer’s swing and performance on the golf course. For example, a golfer who swings his club with his hands pointing forward will have a harder time hitting the ball.

In addition, a golfer who points his hands in the wrong direction can have difficulty with balance and control on the golf course. So, if you’re planning on playing Golf this year, make sure you are playing with someone who is right-handed or left-handed.


The Two Basic Hand Orientations

Hand orientation is how you position your hands when you grip a golf club. This is important because it can affect your swing and how you feel when you hit the ball.

There are two basic hand orientations – Dominant and Non-dominant.
Dominant hands are those used for gripping the club. Non-dominant hands are those used for swinging the club.

When you grip a golf club, your dominant hand is usually the one used to hold the club in your hand. Golfers use the non-dominant hand to manipulate the club face or grip.

Typically, dominant hands are more stable and less likely to get tired while gripping a golf club. Non-dominant hands tend to be more unstable and more likely to get tired while gripping a golf club.

See Also: Best YouTube Golf Instructional Videos This 2023

What Then Does Hand Orientation Mean In Golf?

In Golf, hand orientation means how a golfer angles their hand when holding a golf club. Hand orientation is the hand’s position relative to the golf club’s shaft.

The hand points forward or backward, depending on whether the golfer is right-handed or left-handed. The most common hand orientation is pointing forward, but some golfers prefer to angle their hands in the opposite direction.

There are two main types of hand orientation, pronated and supinated. Pronated hands are those that are pronated (bent) forward, and supinated hands are those that are pronated (bent) backward. The pronation of a golfer’s hand affects how he strikes the ball with the clubhead.

The pronation of the hand affects the way the clubhead strikes the ball. Pronated hands tend to be more stable and more powerful, while supinated hands are more bouncy and more prone to losing control.

The Bottom Line

What does hand orientation mean in golf
Robert2301 / Pixabay


If you buy a golf glove, you wear it on your opposite hand. For instance, you wear your glove on your left hand if you are right-handed and on your right hand if you are left-handed. This means a right-handed golfer would typically wear a left-handed glove.

Now, hand orientation in Golf is Right Hand Throw or Left Hand Throw.

The best way to determine which hand orientation is dominant is to practice hitting with both hands at different angles and grips. This will allow you to see which hand orientation is dominant and how it affects your swing.


What is golf club orientation?

Golf club orientation encompasses the question of whether golf clubs are right and left-handed.

Like most people are right-handed, the majority of golfers are also right-handed. Nonetheless, most manufacturers make left-handed versions of several golf clubs.

Also, the best-selling golf instruction manuals you’ll see are for right-handers. Therefore, lefties should reverse the directions.

What is Head Hand in Golf?

The Head Hand in Golf states that, the golfer must strike the ball lightly with the head of the club. For golfers to swing a club effectively, they must stand on either the left or right angle of the ball relative to the target. This implies that the head of the golf club head should be shaped for either a right-handed player or a left-handed player.

What is dexterity meaning in Golf?

In Golf, dexterity means – Right(Left-handed golfer)

What does Right to Left mean in golf?

A right to left in golf means a curve/path angling higher towards the right than where the club’s face is pointing.

What is a golf glove guide?

New golf gloves are pieces of golf gear people usually overlook. A golf glove guide is a resource that gives guidance and advice on all you should know before heading to purchase a new golf glove.